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The launch meeting of Uniworks Electronics Digital System Project was successfully held

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-03-07      Origin: Site

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The launch meeting of Uniworks Electronics Digital System Project was successfully held

On the afternoon of March 4, 2024, the launch meeting of the SAP & MOMnext digital system project of Uniworks Electronics was grandly held.The core team of Uniworks Electronics and the project leaders and implementation personnel of the project partners SAP team, Sixiang team, and Phoenix team attended this kick-off meeting to jointly open a new chapter of cooperation and co-creation.

Digital transformation is a necessary stage in the development process of Uniworks Electronics, especially its international development. As early as ten years ago, Uniworks Electronics began to introduce ERP and MES systems. Now that it is about to face an important time point of international transformation, whether the digital system can Matching the needs of the company is particularly important.After sufficient early communication and research, Uniworks Electronics chose the SAP&MOMnext digital system that is more suitable for the company's future international development.

The meeting started with a project introduction.The representative of the project implementation team, Mr. Zhang Yu, the project manager of Sixiang Technology, introduced the project implementation plan and related outputs, including project background, goals, processes, plans, etc., so that everyone could understand the importance of the project and the urgency of project implementation. Full understanding of sex.Mr. Chu Xiaohu from Sixiang Technology put forward expectations and requirements for full participation and 100% training for the implementation of this project. He expressed his confidence in the project.Then Mr. Huang Hao, a representative of SAP, expressed his full support for the project. Mr. Cheng Wei, a representative of the Phoenix team, highly recognized Uniworks’ strategy of digital transformation and international layout. He was very optimistic about the cooperation between the three parties and hoped to create a replicable , representative model system.

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Mr. Fang Rong, chairman of Uniworks Electronics, said that Uniworks Electronics is committed to digital transformation. All colleagues in the company will fully cooperate and support the implementation of the digital system. He expressed his outlook and expectations for this cooperation and hoped that Uniworks Electronics Ouhe partners can jointly create a digital system that is suitable for Uniworks and can help Uniworks' international development.Finally, Ms. Lei Yan from Uniworks Electronics, on behalf of key users, put forward requirements for the compatibility of the system and business, the ease of operation of the system, and the synchronization of data information, and stated that relevant work would be completed in accordance with the project implementation requirements.

We believe that with the support of the responsible persons, the implementation of the professional team, and the efforts of all personnel, the implementation of Uniworks Electronics’ SAP & MOMnext digital system will be a complete success. Uniworks Electronics’ new smart manufacturing factory is in the process of digitalization. With the support of the system, we will definitely be able to operate more smoothly and reach new heights!

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